2019 Conference | Congrès

The Canadian Network for Innovation in Education and the Faculty of Arts at The University of British Columbia
Le Réseau canadien pour l’innovation en éducation et la Faculty of Arts à l’University of British Columbia
invites you to | vous invite à
Making Waves: Educational Disruptions and Transformations
Faire des vagues : Perturbations et transformations de l’enseignement
21 – 24 May 2019 | 21 – 24 mai 2019
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia | Colombie-Britannique
We built it, but they didn’t come: lessons learned from a (not so) social network platform for learning (download)
Adrienne PETERS, Jane COSTELLO, and Daph CRANE
Finding the Wave Crest Using Twitter (download)
Xuan (Joris) JUN
Well-being and inclusion for Chinese international students at UBC (download)
Cindy IVES
Learning to Learning Online: Learner Reflections (download)
Cindy IVES and Pamela WALSH
Organizational change experienced by Canadian universities adopting online learning (download)
Kathleen (Kate) LENERT
Swimming Outside the Lane: Teaching Subject Matter Experts about Learning (download)
Laura KILLAM and Sidney SHAPIRO
Top Ten Negotiated Grading Lessons: Failing Forward (link)
Levelling Up: Buy-in for Badging Version 4.0 (link)
Tips to Keep Video Production Afloat: Dipping Your Toe Into the Open Water (link)
Photos courtesy of Michael Dabrowski